Won over $1 billion for affordable housing through the community-driven passage of Santa Clara County Measure A in 2016, one of the nation’s largest affordable housing bonds
Spearheaded the passage of the nation’s strongest affordable housing policy by a transportation agency, steering the Valley Transportation Authority to develop nearly 180 acres of its land to build up to 15,000 affordable housing units
Moved Google to make a historic $1 billion investment in housing affordability through a multi-year campaign of civic and corporate engagement, community organizing, and policy research
Developed powerful partnerships with corporate and philanthropic leaders to address the region’s housing crisis, including working with developers, elected officials, and other leaders to develop the CASA: Committee to House the Bay Area’s Compact–a set of policy agreements that have resulted in landmark state level policies on housing production, preservation and protection–and providing policy expertise to Facebook’s Partnership for the Bay’s Future
Established the Trades Orientation Program to provide formerly homeless individuals, court-adjudicated youth, veterans and other disadvantaged and underrepresented workers pre-apprenticeship training for a career in the building trades. The program has served over 314 workers since 2015