We are a coalition of labor, faith leaders, community-based organizations, and workers who aspire to a new vision for Silicon Valley where all workers, their families, and communities are valued.

Together, we represent over 1 million working people in Silicon Valley, the majority of whom perform essential work in the service and healthcare industries.
We believe that the future of Silicon Valley depends on our ability to work together. Our campaigns bring together a diverse range of stakeholders to foster a more just and equitable Silicon Valley and rebuild our diverse and vital middle class.

We know that Silicon Valley can be a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, and we are committed to building the power needed to get us there.
We’re moving towards a vision of Silicon Valley where vibrant regional economies are built on the foundation of equity and opportunity for all, where all work is valued and working families can thrive, regardless of their occupation, ethnicity or race, and all people have pathways to prosperity, a voice in local governance and a place to call home.
Our mission is to build worker power and organize strong coalitions that can take on occupational segregation and severe income inequality in Silicon Valley. We are fighting for better tech jobs, an inclusive tech economy, and affordable housing for all.
Coalition members
The campaign is led by Working Partnerships USA, the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, and Silicon Valley Rising Action, along with:
- Affordable Housing Network
- Asian Americans for Community Involvement
- Communication Workers of America
- Interfaith Council on Economics and Justice
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- Latinos United for A New America
- Minority Business Consortium
- NAACP San Jose Chapter
- Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition
- SEIU Local 521
- Silicon Valley De-Bug
- UNITE HERE Local 19